Monday, 6 April 2015

Poltugal FM - the best of 2000 - 2009!

The best from Poland:
Kazik & Yugoton - "Malcziki"  (2001)
Wilki - "Baska" (2002)
Pudelsi - "Wolnosc slowa" (2003)
Pidzama Porno - „Nikt tak pięknie nie mówił, że się boi miłości” (2004)
happysad - "Zanim Pojde"(2004)
HEY - "Mimo wszystko" (2005)
Strachy na lachy - "Dzień dobry kocham cię" (2005)
Dubska - "Avokado" (2006)
Muzyka Konca Lata - "Zabi"(2006)
Muzyka Końca Lata - "Fenoloftaleina" (2007)
Hurt - "Nowy poczatek" (2007)
Czeslaw Spiewa - "Maszynka Do Swierkania" (2008)

The best from Portugal:
Deolinda - "Movimento Perpétuo Associativo" (2008)
Da Weasel - "Casa (vem fazer de conta)" (2004)
Blasted Mechanism - "Blasted Empire" (2005)
Foge Foge Bandido - "Borboleta" (2008)
X-Wife - "On The Radio" (2008)
Mind da Gap - "Todos Gordos" (2000)
Macacos do Chinês - "Plutão" (2009)

Thanks for listening! 
If someone missed it you can listen here :)

We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)

Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Poltugal FM - 2009

Polish Playlist:
Happysad - "Mow mi dobrze"
Strachy na lachy - "Żyję w kraju"
Pustki - "Niedowaga"
Laki Lan - "Big Baton"
Audiofeels - "Nothing else metters"
HEY - "Kto tam? Kto jest w środku?"
Renata Przemyk - "Odjazd"
Sofa - "Ona Movie"
IRA - „Nie daj mi odejść”

2009 in Poland: 
Passes primarily marked by the struggle with the crisis

Portuguese Playlist:

Macacos do Chinês - "Plutão"
Diabo na Cruz - "Os Loucos estão Certos"
La Chanson Noire - "O Bordel de Lucifer"
Virgem Suta - "Dança de Balcão"
Legendary Tigerman - "Life Ain't Enough for you"

2009 in Portugal:
On 17th of December an Earthquake with 6.0 on Richter scale shaked Portugal. No victims or material damages registered.

Thanks for listening! 
If someone missed it you can listen here :)

We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)

Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Friday, 6 March 2015

Poltugal FM - 2008

Polish Playlist:
Czeslaw Spiewa - "Maszynka Do Swierkania"
Lao Che - mpaKOmpaBIEmpaTA
Ania Dabrowska -"Nigdy więcej nie tańcz ze mną"
OSTR - "Pij mleko"
Pudelsi - Mijamy się jak co dnia
Janusz Radek - Kiedy umre kochanie
Grzegorz Tomczak i Iwona Lorann - Szukałem cię wśród jabłekKasia Nosowska - Kto tam u Ciebie jest (osiecka)

2008 in Poland:
In late September, began the construction of the National Stadium, on which will be held matches of Euro 2012.

Portuguese Playlist:
Foge Foge Bandido - "Borboleta"
Deolinda - "Movimento Perpétuo Associativo"
Os Pontos Negros - "Conto de Fadas de Sintra a Lisboa"
X-Wife - "On the Radio"
Foge Foge  Bandido - "Quando eu morrer"
A Naifa - "Esta depressão que me anima"

Rita Redshoes - "Beggining Song"

2008 in Portugal:
Cristiano Ronaldo won, for the first time the "Balon D'Or" for the best football player in the world.


Thanks for listening! 
If someone missed it you can listen here :)

We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)
Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Poltugal FM - Carnival 2015

Polish Party Music:
Poparzeni Kawą Trzy - Kawałek do Tańca
Maanam - Cykady na cykladach
Weekend - ona tanczy dla mnie
Sokol & Pono - W aucie
Kayah & Bregovic - Prawy do lewego
Big Cyc - facet to swinia
Marek Tranda - Moja Dumka
Enej - Skrzydlate rece

Portuguese Party Music:
Ex-Votos - Subtilezas porno-populares
Rouxinol Faduncho - Cães de Loiça
Iris - Montanhêra
Leonel Nunes - Porque não tem talo o nabo
Rosinha - Eu levo no pacote
Diana Piedade ft. Rui Unas - Margem Sul


Thanks for listening! 
If someone missed it you can listen here :)
We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)
Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Poltugal FM - 2007

Polish Playlist:
Hurt - "Nowy poczatek"
Muzyka Końca Lata - "Fenoloftaleina"
Maleńczuk & Waglewski - Koledzy
Kasia Nosowska - "Era Retuszera"
Lady Pank - Wspinaczka (czyli historia pewnej rewolucji)”
Feel - "A gdy jest już ciemno"
Yugopolis i Maciej Malenczuk - "Gdzie sa przyjaciele moi?"

2007 in Poland:
In 2007, the UEFA Executive Committee assigned to Poland and Ukraine organization of UEFA European Football Championship in 2012.
December 31 Poland along with nine other EU countries joined the Schengen area.
July 22 in the French Alps there was a tragic accident of Polish bus with pilgrims.
Bus collapsed from a bridge in the 15-meter gap, and then caught fire. It killed 26 people. 24 were injured. President Lech Kaczynski announced a 3-day national mourning.

Portuguese Playlist:
Wraygunn - "She's a go go dancer"
David Fonseca - "Rocket Man"
Sean Riley and the Slow Riders - "Let the good times roll"
Mundo Cão - "Morfina"
Clã - "Tira a Teima"
Tiago Bettencourt - "Canção Simples"
Jorge Palma - "Encosta-te a mim"

2007 in Portugal:
2007 was the year when Portugal was being talked about all over the world because of the disapearing of Madeleine McCann

Thanks for listening!
If someone missed it you can listen here :)
We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)
Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Poltugal FM - 2006

Polish Playlist:
Muzyka Konca Lata - "Zabi"
Dubska - "Avokado"
Akurat - "Fantasmagorie"
Jamal - "Policeman"
Renata Przemyk- "Fado"
Kombajn do Zbierania Kur po Wioskach - "Lewa strona Literki M"
Strachy na lachy -"Moralne salto"

2006 in Poland: 
The year 2006 in Poland began with a tragedy. On 28th of January in Katowice collapsed roof of the hall, which held an exhibition of pigeons. 65 people were killed and over 170 were injured.
The political scene was shaken with two big affairs:
the tape scandal (PiS members made a proposition to a politican from Samoobrona for transition to their party in exchange for a position in the Ministry of Agriculture) and the sex scandal (Stanislaw Lyzwinski and Andrzej Lepper were accused of forcing sexual services in exchange for work in the offices of deputies).

Portuguese Playlist:
Sam The Kid - "Poetas de Karaoke"
Buraka Som Sistema - "Yah"
A Naifa - "Todo o Amor do Mundo não foi suficiente"
Balla - "Saltei de mim"
JP Simões - "Inquietação"
Linda Martini - "Amor Combate"Dead Combo - "After Peace, Swim Twice"  

2006 in Portugal: 
Cavaco Silva elected president of the republic. Portugal qualified 4th in the World Cup.

Thanks for listening!
If someone missed it you can listen here :)
We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)
Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or