Monday, 13 October 2014

Rota do petisco - Alvor.

On our last post we told you how big fans of Rota do Petisco we are , so we had to come back. This time we went to a seaside town that we also didn't visit last year - Alvor. We started with something that we are also fans - Octopus, this time prepared in a kind of stew with chickpeas. Then, in Taberna do Ze Morgadinho, we tried the typical - and salty - biqueirao algarvian style, served with olive oil and garlic. A must try. It was a matchday, so we had to pass by somewhere to keep up with Benfica result. Not a better place than A Bola, eating fried cuttlefish, and drinking a cold beer. Then time for dessert. Petit Gateux with frozen yogurt and almonds. Only one disapoitment, Nuno wanted to try chicken livers, but the place was closed. Next year we won't miss it!