Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Poltugal FM - 1978

1978 in Poland:
March 20 - Captain Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz as the first ever woman circumnavigated the globe alone on the polish yacht "Mazurek".
October 16 - Pope John Paul II succeeds Pope John Paul I as the 264th pope. The first Year of Three Popes since 1605. He is the first Polish pope in history, and the first non-Italian pope since Pope Adrian VI.
December 31 - New Year's Eve - started winter of the century, with not only a strong frost, but also extremely heavy snow.
Flight of spacecraft Soyuz 30 with Miroslaw Hermaszewski - first (and to this day remains the only) polish cosmonaut in space - on board.
Polish climber Wanda Rutkiewicz as the third woman in the world and the first European and the first Polish entered the international climbing expedition to Mount Everest.
Football World Cup 1978 Poland went to second group stage ( Portugal wasn't classified).

Polish playlist:
Maryla Rodowicz - "Remedium"
2 plus 1- "Winda do nieba"
Bajm - "Piechota do lata"
Zbigniew Holdys - "Co sie stalo z Magda K?"
Maryla Rodowicz / Janusz Laskowski - " Kolorowe jarmarki"

1978 in Portugal: 
Portugal was still in the transition period after the 74 revolution, and under assistance of IMF to leave economical crisis. The music was still influenced by the feelings of freedom and the first signs of prog-rock were appearing.

Portuguese playlist:
Sérgio Godinho - O primeiro Dia
José Cid - O Caos
Amália Rodrigues - Amendoa amarga
Paulo Alexandre - Verde Vinho
Gemini - Dai Li dou

Thanks for listening!
If someone missed it you can listen here :)
We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)
Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Volta ao Algarve!

Last sunday: a normal day of work for Nuno, but in the same place, same event that meant much more to Martyna. Tour of Algarve reached its end and it had a polish winner. Michal Kwiatkowski, beated Alberto Contador and portuguese World Champion Rui Costa after last year he finished second in this race. To add to final victory, he won two of the four stages: one in Monchique and also the time trial. Because in the last day it was predictable that he would be in the highest place of the podium, Martyna didn't want to lose the oportunity of meeting the polish champion, and she could.
She went to Vilamoura by bus to take a picture with Kwiatkowski. For most of the people, a autograph would be great, and she got it in Poland scarf because Nuno, after interviewing the winner, asked him to sign it. But the picture wasn't made, so - needed to add that somehow Martyna entered restricted area unnoticed - after the autographs and the interviews, and just before Michal Kwiatkowski entered the team bus, she could "kidnapped" him for the posterity :)

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Poltugal FM - 1974

1974 in Poland:
Poland was third at the Football World Cup in Germany, beating Brazil 1:0. Goal was scored by Grzegorz Lato - leading scorer in 1974 at World Cup and the only Polish player ever to win Golden boot.

Polish playlist:
Andrzej Dąbrowski - "A ty sie bracie nie denerwuj"
Anna Jantar - "Tyle slonca w calym miescie"
Breakout - "Modlitwa"
Maryla Rodowicz - "Malgoska"
Marek Grechuta - "Dni, ktorych nie znamy"
+ Maryla Rodowicz - "Futbol" (song performed during opening ceremony of World Cup in Germany )

1974 in Portugal:  
The year of the democratic revolution, "25 de Abril". This event influenced the musical production with the wrinting of a lot of political lyrics.

Portuguese playlist:
Paulo de Carvalho - "E depois do adeus"
Green Windows - "No dia em que o Rei fez anos"
Zeca Afonso - "Venham mais cinco"
Sérgio Godinho - "Liberdade"
Fausto - "Venha cá Sr. Burguês"

Thanks for listening!
If someone missed it you can listen here :)
We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)
Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Praia do Barril by accident.

Imagine a sunny sunday after weeks of rainy and cloudy weather... First thing we thought about: leave the house, and so we did. After lunch we decided to go west, without any specific destination, only the direction was defined in our heads.
In a place like Algarve, is difficult to know all the beaches from Sagres to Vila Real de Santo António but the best places we thought that we knew... Lie...
Before arriving to Tavira, we saw a sign to "Praia do Barril". Nuno heard about it before, but never went there, neither Martyna. "Let's give it a try", we thought, and we stopped there.
First interesting thing: the access. The acess is made by a narrow floating bridge where is not possible to walk aside other person. Bridge crossed and we saw the second interesting thing: a train station with a really funny small train. We thought that in winter it would be deactivated. Wrong. It was working and transporting people through the railroads to the beach. At this point we found out that we would have a quite long walk in Ria Formosa.
After 15 minutes walking, we arrived to the beach, hundreds of meters of sand only with the ocean in the horizon. Looking at one of the maps of the place, we read that there would be somewhere a anchor cementary. We could imagine by the name what it would be, but we didn't knew what to expect. We walked a bit more on the sand and we saw what was it about. Around one hundred anchors on the sand, reminding a cementary. That place was used as a tuna fishermen shelter that now is deactivated. From those boats capturing the tuna migrating from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean sea, only these Anchors stayed.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Poltugal FM - 1966

1966 in POLAND:
1000 years of Poland. Time of communism. Anti - Church propaganda against celebration of milennium of Polish Christening-baptism made by Mieszko I in 966. Forbidden arrival of Pope Paul VI to participate in celebration.
Movie from Milennium Parade.

Music in Poland
Inspired by The Beatles, rock music started by Czerwone Gitary, jazz and ballads. "House of the rising sun" - important song for all artists in Poland in 1960s, recorded by many of them but title always translated to polish, song known by titlle "Dom wschodzacego slonca".

Polish playlist:
Czerwone Gitary - "Nie zadzieraj nosa"
Niebiesko-Czarni - "Hej", dziewczyno hej"
Jerzy Polomski - "Dom wschodzacego slonca"
Edmund Fetting -  "Ballada o pancernych"/"Deszcze niespokojne" (from series: "Czterej pancerni i pies")
Filipinki - "Wala Twist"
Komeda Quintet - "Kattorna"

1966 in PORTUGAL:
 Year of inauguration of Salazar Bridge, and world cup. dictatorship

Music in Portugal
Starting to appear first rock formations mainly inspired from The Beatles
Madalena Iglesias eurovision.

Portuguese playlist:
Madalena Iglesias - "Ele e ela"
Sheiks - "Eusebio"
Os Espaciais - "Nao brinques com o coracao"
Conjunto Academico Joao Paulo - "Jezebel"
Demonios negros - "Quero que voltes"
Os rebeldes - "Tiro Liro"

Thanks for listening!
If someone missed it you can listen here :)
We are waiting for suggestions for next week :)
Remember: Tuesdays at 9pm @ 102.7 FM or

Friday, 7 February 2014

Zarżnięta świnia.

Ostatni weekend był dla mnie, nie jedzącej mięsa, trudny. Po raz drugi byłam uczestnikiem bardzo ważnego w rodzinie Nuno wydarzenia. Co roku w lutym rodzina zjeżdża się do domu rodzinnego Nuno aby zabić świnię, którą rok wcześniej kupują i potem tuczą.
W sobotę rano cala rodzina już czekała by przyprowadzić świnkę. Bardzo nie chciałam tego widzieć, tym bardziej słyszeć wiec pojechałam do miasta.
Wieczorem kiedy już świnka nie przypominała świnki... postanowiłam udokumentować produkcje "kaszanki - ryżanki" i innych przetworów. 
Przygotowywanie mięsa jest zajęciem całej rodziny, ciocie gotują, wujkowie kroją a wszystkiemu towarzyszy butelka aguardente de medronho oraz melosy- regionalnych alkoholi z Monchique. Na koniec dnia wszyscy siadają do wielkiego stołu by zjeść wspólną kolacje i wypić wino. 
W niedziele rodzina znowu przyjeżdża by kontynuować przygotowywanie mięsa oraz wspólnie grac w karty, jesc i pic :)